I'm not going to go up there and help you sing a stripper song...as much as I admire it.By then we were in the process of kicking everyone out since it was almost 1:30am, and he got off the stage like he had just found the cure for all communicable diseases...expecting every woman to come hang off of him. You could tell he was a little panicked that it was closing time and he hadn't found a groupie club to beg for autographs and makeout sessions. So while I was cleaning up my sidework to leave, he started BEGGING me to come back to the hotel with him. Look dude- that just isn't going to happen. I could conjur slampieces that are 10x better looking than you, and aren't married with kids. What a slime. Are you freaking kidding me? So just when I thought I had got the message to him- he asked what I had to do the next day that involved me not partying til dawn. I told him that I needed to save lives at the blood bank. Then the mother fucker did the unexpected. The most low and desperate move ever. He wrapped his arms around me and begged,
Do you have any idea what is going on in my hometown right now? Where I live in Nashville? Do you even have a clue!? It's flooded sister. There are people without homes, without electricity and no one cares. I think YOU need to put that into some fuckin' perspective, and come back and party with me in my hotel room. It will make you feel better about yourself sweetheart. Please? What can I say to convince you? I mean, you did go out to dinner with me...and now I'm no good? That's fucked up. Just fucked up. So come back with me...you know who I am right?
Excuse me motherfucker do you know who the hell I am? This douche bag, trailer park version of a Jason Aldean wannabe asking me if I knew who HE WAS? How could I do anything except bust up laughing. Seriously? I look over at the bar...and everyone I work with is laughing hysterically too! Everyone heard him. Who the hell was this guy? You have got to be kidding me. He must've thought that he had just walked off Motley Crue's tour bus; News flash jackass: You're no Bret Michaels and you're no Tommy Lee. Not gunna lie though, he put on a pretty good show.
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